Trainging You 4.0

An Immersive Training Experience to Unleash Your Creative Power & Design Your Holistic Future

The Trainers

The Training

A transformative day of interactive experiences to envision and design a future-proof version of your holistic self through creativity.

Can you re-sculpt your identity, re-design your reality, and re-write your story in one day? Of course not. But you can envision what that feels like, create your unique roadmap to an empowered future, and learn to use a few handy tools to help you along the way. 

This is what the You 4.0 Training is all about!

The Invitation

The You 4.0 Training invites you to experience a new approach to personal growth and fulfillment, where you will focus on your holistic self and learn to use creativity as a multipurpose tool for self-empowerment.

During the day you will go through interactive workshops and guided exercises to acquire practical tools and techniques to use creativity for self-exploration, self-expression, and self-care.

The Participants

Do you want to connect or reconnect with your creativity? Do you want to jumpstart your creative career, understand yourself and communicate better, improve your relationships, or simply find greater meaning and purpose in your day-to-day life? 

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions – the You 2.0 Training is for you!

The Format 

The You 4.0 Training is a highly personalized training experience, which focuses on a limited number of people to ensure special attention and guidance for everyone.

The experience is facilitated for a group of 20 participants, so all attendees get a chance to feel inspired, empowered, and educated in an inclusive and personal way.

The Program

11:00 am – 2:00 pm:

Personal Holistic Purpose-driven Business Model You with Gerard

02: 15 pm – 4:00 pm:

Introduction to Creative Empowerment with Octophina

The Price

599 EUR (Our full-service package includes lunch, dinner, and goodie bag.)

Gerard Scheenstra

Founder Knowvium & Trainer

The Trainers

Sophie Yotova (Octophina)

Creator & Trainer

The Location

The You 4.0 Training will be facilitated in a creative hotspot in the heart of Amsterdam. (Enter through the door on Eerste Weteringdwarsstraat 107 street).